Time Management

Student life can be demanding balancing the needs of academic work and other commitments.

Your success as a student will be affected by how much time you spend in study and how well you use that time. Thoughtful planning and good time management skills can make a big difference to your experience.  

Our University Centre South Devon Study Guide to Time Management will help you learn more about time management and better understand your study habits.

You can also take a look at or revisit the Getting Ready for Academic Study and Time Management modules on Skills for Study. Please note: you will need your student email and password to access the Skills for Study resources.

Once you are logged in:  

  • Complete the diagnostic test, as this identifies your strengths and weaknesses within your time management 
  • You can then focus your attention on the specific areas identified and find strategies and activities to support the development of this key skill 

Planning your time

Download and complete a blank weekly or termly planner to help you schedule activities (e.g. study, work, relaxation) to help you stay on track. You can also view our weekly planner example.

Weekly planner

Year planner