Modes of assessments

All modes of assessment require academic integrity and rigor. Typically they will be written in the third person, meaning you will use scientific and industry terminology. Fact-based points are required to have supporting references.

Element – coursework


Essays are a piece of writing


A report can be for many purposes but typically

Reflective writing

Reflective writing is written in the first person and typically utilises a model or cycle to help structure your thought and writing. Please refer to your teaching team for guidance on models and cycles.

Literature review

A literature review is a

Research report

Research reports typically contain a literature review, methodology, and results section. Please refer to your teaching team for guidance on each section.

Magazine article

A magazine article is a piece of writing that is usually less formal, but still academic, typically a trade magazine that requires industry terminology and referencing.


Posters typically present research, and your teaching team will inform you of the audience the poster is designed for.


Leaflets are typically designed to help someone make a decision about something, and your teaching team will inform you of the audience the leaflet is aimed at.

Element – Practical


Presentations are typically delivered in person, with a PowerPoint as a visual aid, although there may be instances where you or your teaching team find it necessary to record it.

Advice and guidance on how to use PowerPoint can be found here


Seminars are typically held in person and can be individual or part of collaborative group work.

Skills demonstration

Skills demonstrations are typically held in person, although there may be instances where you or your teaching team find it necessary to record them.

Element – Exam or Test

Exams and Tests can be closed or open-book. Closed book means your textbooks are closed and you can not use the internet and open-book means you can use textbooks and the internet to inform your answers.


Exams are usually externally set and or marked, there is little flexibility for development Exams are taken in person on campus and may be closed or open-book.


Tests are internally set and marked and are revised to be inclusive for all. Tests are taken in person on campus and can be closed or open-book.

Open-book as a mode

Open-book as a mode is a 48-hour, take-home assessment.