Patient, Carer and Service Users Advisory Group
The Patient, Carer and Service Users Advisory Group is a group at University Centre South Devon.
The group will meet throughout the year to improve the contribution of individuals and those caring for others who use, or have used, services in all aspects of education, teaching and learning based at our Paignton campus.
The group will aim to meet three times a year, and will be made up of members who have a wide range of experiences in receiving or providing care from a range of health services. The group also contain representatives from the team at University Centre South Devon.
By being involved in the group, our service users and carers help us shape the new generation of health care professionals from an early stage in their careers, so that all our students are aware of the perspectives and experiences of service users and carers and can benefit from their insights and experiences of care.
Members of the group will engage with some of the following activities:
- Discussions with students on a range of health and social care issues
- Supporting with the interviewing of prospective students
- Getting involved in curriculum development and programme validation events
- Ensuring that courses are informed by the voices of individuals who use services or are carers for others
- Reviewing documents, policies, guidelines and resources
- Contributing to research activities
If you are interested in joining the group and would like to receive more information, please email: [email protected]
Who are service users and carers?
The group will include people of all ages and abilities from a diverse range of backgrounds who have used, or are using, health services as a patient as well as people who have experience of caring for someone.
Do I need qualifications?
No qualifications are required but your experience is important to us. The key skill is being able and willing to share that experience with our students.
Will there be training?
Yes, training will be made available to members of the group. For example, we offer training in how to interview students, and training for sharing members ‘lived experiences’.
Can I volunteer to join the group?
We are always looking for individuals to join this group. We will be able to pay travelling expenses and there will be a small fee for any presentation or student talks that are undertaken. All members will benefit from complimentary refreshments whilst on campus.