External Examiners

On this page you will find information about requirements, support and resources for external examiners as an external examiner for South Devon College accredited Foundation Degrees.

Overview of your role as an External Examiner at University Centre South Devon

External Examiners are essential to the academic wellbeing of the College. Your involvement ensures that:

  • Standards are appropriate by reference to published national subject benchmarks, the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and the College’s programme and module specifications
  • The assessment process measures student achievement against the intended learning outcomes
  • The assessment process is in line with the College’s Assessment Practice Strategy
  • The College’s awards are comparable in standard to awards conferred by other UK HE institutions
  • The assessment process is operated fairly and equitably and in accordance with University Centre South Devon Assessment Regulations

Other related policies and procedures which support the operations of Higher Education programmes at University Centre South Devon can be found here.

Fee and expenses claim forms

Please download the relevant claim forms from the options below and return them to the email address listed on the front page of the form.

How much can I claim?

The fee you will be paid is set out in your contract. It is calculated based on the number of modules to be covered and the credit rating of these modules.

If you have any queries about your fee please contact the Deputy Head of Higher Education via email or call 01803 540791.

Report Forms

Please select the relevant report form(s) from the options below.

Not sure which form to complete? Contact [email protected] or further guidance:

Guidance documents